When are X-rays necessary?
X-ray imaging is a service many chiropractors utilize. They are a helpful tool to determine what course of care will be best suited for each individual patient. X-rays will be taken if there is clinical indication.
Common Scenarios for x-rays include:
History of trauma or acute injury to the area.
No improvement in pain after 3-4 weeks of conservative care.
Decreased bone mineral density such as osteoporosis or osteopenia.
Recurrence of similar issues year in year out.
X-rays are evaluated for each films A B C
A- Alignment of the structures being view. Abnormal alignment tends to be associated with more frequent pain.
B - Bony structural changes such as arthritis, bone spurs, fractures, etc.
C - Cartilage evaluation determines the amount of wear and tear at the specific area of interest.
Depending upon the X-ray, we can determine if chiropractic care is the best course of treatment for the patient or if a medical referral is warranted.