Acute Care Vs Wellness Care

Many different types of complaints are seen in a chiropractic office. From something as small as general stiffness, or tightness to sharp, shooting, radiating 10/10 pain. Both of these types of issues can be seen at a chiropractic clinic. The approach to treating them is much different.

Acute Pain

  • typically pain ranging from 5/10 to 10/10

  • described as sharp, intense, stabbing, radiating, numbness, pins and needles and more.

  • Will heavily impact an individual’s normal activities of daily living.

  • Treatment: Adjustments, therapy, muscle work, ice/heat, and rehab.

  • Frequency: 2-3 times per week for 2-4 weeks.

  • The body requires continual input to continuously improve and heal. Without the appropriate treatment frequency and duration of care a patient will experience small periods of relief followed by the return of previous symptoms.

Wellness Care

  • pain ranging from 1/10 to 3/10

  • described as stiffness or tightness.

  • Will barely impacted activities of daily living.

  • Treatment: Adjustments and occasional therapy.

  • Frequency: 1-2 times per month.

  • Because we use our spine everyday with almost every activity we do, there is a recommended maintenance to keep us feeling well. Just like our teeth require maintenance to keep them clean and healthy as does the joints of the spine. Wellness care helps keep pain away or minimal, reduce the frequency of flare ups or acute episodes, and keeps us doing the things we love to do.

Each dot on the image represents an individual treatment.As the two lines diverge, one represents regular maintenance while the other one shows treatment primarily for acute epidsodes without full resolution.

Each dot on the image represents an individual treatment.

As the two lines diverge, one represents regular maintenance while the other one shows treatment primarily for acute epidsodes without full resolution.


When are X-rays necessary?


MedX Rehabilitation