How long do Chiropractors go to school for?

What does a chiropractors education look like? This is a common question that gets asked numerous times throughout a typical month of practice. In the United States, chiropractors have a doctorate. They commonly will go to four years of undergraduate studies to obtain a bachelors degree, usually focused in the sciences, prior to chiropractic school. Students then will fill out applications for the chiropractic programs they want to attend. Most chiropractic schools have a requirement of at least a 3.0 GPA from the students undergraduate program.

Once you have been accepted into a chiropractic program, you attend classes year round for 3 & 1/3 years to obtain your doctorate in chiropractic. Chiropractic education is largely focused on basic sciences, chiropractic adjusting/technique, radiology, diagnosis, neurology, physical examination, rehabilitative exercise, and physiotherapies. Throughout chiropractic school there is also four sets of standardized tests called boards. The first set of boards covers the basic sciences. The next two sets of boards cover diagnosis of conditions, physical examination, radiology, clinical labs, case history, and case management. The last set of boards covers diagnostic imaging, chiropractic technique and case management in a practical type setting with mock patients and mock images. Once a chiropractor passes all four sets of boards and is a graduate of a chiropractic program they will be allowed to apply for a license in the state they would like to practice in.

My education:

North Dakota State University: Bachelors of science in Exercise Science (Kinesiology)

Northwestern Health Sciences University: Doctorate of Chiropractic



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