Why does sitting cause pain?

Sitting is something everyone does on a daily basis. It varies immensely from person to person based upon occupation, lifestyle, and activity level. Why does sitting for long periods of time tend to cause aches and pains?

Lower back: To sit we have to move our hips forward roughly to a 90 degree angle which will cause a position change in our lower back. Our lower back has a forward shaped curve which actually allows it to hold more weight and pressure compared to if it was straight up and down. Because our lower back and hips are connected, when we change the position of our hips we change the position of our lower back. The bending forward of our hips causes our lower back curve to straighten out. This straightening out of our back curve can cause between a 40-85% increase in pressure in our lower back region. Increased pressure plus a long period of time will tend to cause pain and loss of joint motion. Sitting also will deactivate and elongate certain muscles in the lower back causing more issues and loss of strength. In summary, sitting causes an increase in pressure and a decrease in muscle activation which tends to cause mechanical lower back pain.

Upper back & Neck: When we are sitting we tend to be working at a computer, watching tv, or using cell phones. The use of a phone or computer in front of our body will cause our shoulders to round forward. Like mentioned before, changes in shoulder position will cause changes in upper back and neck position. Usually our head will shift forward and our upper back will start to round. Just like before this change in position tends to weaken and elongate muscles and increase pressure on our joints in our upper backs and neck. The neck is unique because our head is on top. Due to the head weighing 10-12 lbs, the further forward it shifts the more strain and load it places on our necks. Similar to the lower back, changes in posture will add extra pressure on certain structures casing a loss in joint motion along with a loss of muscle activation leading to neck pain.

How to help:

Chiropractic Adjustments help restore and relieve pressure on joint of the neck and back.

Corrective Exercises will help strengthen up weak and elongated muscles.

Stretching and manual therapy will help relax and reduce pain in areas that have tightened up.


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