Golf & Chiropractic

Golf is a sport where the individual can generate up to ten times their own body weight of compressive force on their own spine with just one swing. Good golfers will swing their clubs roughly 70 times per round and your average joe may be swinging up to 90-100+ times per round. Simply throughout a round of golf a person can cumulatively generate up to 700 - 1000 times their body weight in force on the spine. This is why back pain, stiffness, and tightness is very prevalent in the sport. Chiropractic adjustments help decrease compression and tension on the joints of the spine while allowing the muscles to function better.

Chiropractic care tends to reduce the risk of injury and improve performance. In a research article from 2009, chiropractic care along with a golf specific stretching protocol was found to statistically improve the performance of full swing mechanics compared to a group just following the stretching protocol. The average distance hit with the driver for the chiropractic group before treatment was 239 yards. Following four treatments the average distance of the driver bumped up to 258 yards, a nearly 20 yard improvement.

This program incorporated just chiropractic adjusting and stretching. It is safe to say with specific golf strength training, this group could easily continue to see improvements in driver distance up to an additional 10-20 yards further, totaling almost a 40 yard increase in distance with a combination of chiropractic adjusting, stretching, and specific golf resistance training.

If reducing back pain, hitting the golf ball further, or lower your score sound interesting to you, we highly recommend you come in to see how we can help!


How long do Chiropractors go to school for?


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