It all begins here.

Core Chiropractic & Wellness, PC officially opened its doors on August 3rd 2020. I am very thankful to be able to take over the existing practice of Deutsch Chiropractic from two very special practitioners. The initial idea for this very chiropractic clinic has been in the works since 2014. In 2014, I experienced a very significant ankle injury while playing basketball. This injury led to months of pain, very limited use, and later a referral to a specialist. The specialist at the time recommended a course of physical therapy with a follow up scheduled roughly six weeks later. At the time of the follow up, minimal progress had been made. The next step was to obtain an MRI and a surgical consult. At this point I was very disgruntled with my condition. I felt that at this point surgery didn’t seem like it was the correct answer either but I wasn’t getting the results I desired with the “conventional” model.

Prior to following through with surgery I brought my MRI to my current employer, a chiropractor. The chiropractor offered a combination of treatments ranging from adjusting, soft tissue therapy, therapeutic exercise, and a few other various modalities. With this specific combination of care, I saw about a 75% improvement in about a month. I was blown away with the progress we were able to make in such a short period of time. This was the moment where I realized what type of healthcare provider I wanted to become and how I wanted to practice in the future.

Fast forwarding a few years into the future, I finish up my undergraduate degree and began chiropractic school. In chiropractic school you learn various different techniques and styles of treatment to use. Basically during this time period a young chiropractor should be adding various different tools to use in their toolbox for specific conditions and situations.

One of the ongoing themes in classes were the review of current literature in the physical health field. The consensus of the literature stated that individuals with musculoskeletal complaints tend to get better fastest with a combination of manipulation or adjusting, soft tissue therapy, physiotherapy, and therapeutic exercise. Currently this is still considered to be the gold standard in care and provides the best results for the patient in the shortest time period possible. When becoming a chiropractor, we verbally state to put the patient first. I believe this to be the number one goal. Healthcare should always be patient centered and evidence based first and foremost above all.


What is an Adjustment